Friday, February 27, 2009

Dear God, an update.

I have been working non-stop, and trying to find the time to get some sleep is getting impossible. Bah.


Authoritaters said...

hmmm, it seems that some people are not getting enough work and yet some people are overworked, interesting, and the sacrifice is sleep.

These pics are so emotive, I like the one with the guy scribbling away in a library setting.

Keep it up!

Laura Blackbeard said...

great sketches, i love your character work :)

Authoritaters said...

*prodprod* more art more art! I know I've been slack meself too but, ah well, more art more art!

Anonymous said...

Hey celia!! i know you posted in my blog like last year but i was a little inactive >.>; it's great to see you alive and well lols even though your worked to the bone. keep up the great work!

Kristie said...

Ok that was suposed to have my name and it didn't put it there. but this is Kristie from animation (boot)camp

Anonymous said...

hi celia
great work. i love ur work very much