Friday, November 03, 2006


Well that screencap was badly done... Oh well. Anyways, so I was lucky enough I guess to get to do a caricature at the office of someone retiring... I'm pretty happy with it so far, it's not completely done yet... And the fact that I actually colored it in photoshop!? Amazing!

Honestly nothing much has been going on. In two weeks I'll be in sunny California working my butt off at Gen Con So Cal... And after that it's going to be Christmas... And after that, it's going to be wedding the entire way. I can't wait though, it's like my little project! :>

I'm probably going to try to update this as much as possible.
In the meantime, check this out!

Better than a tablet!


B Roy said...

ouiiiiii un dessin

keep posting some great work


Shanel said...

cool stuff celia.. this really suprised me.. cuz it doesnt look like typical celia style hehe.. altho after further looking.. it does sightly resemble your style O.o ,,,, goood job.. keep posting drarewwings!! go go

CINDY said...

Hey Celia!
California!!! I'm jealous. That caricature looks sweet to me, you did a good job with the coloring. Of course, I'm not a photoshop expert. Wedding!!! Congrats!